Okanogan County Transportation & Nutrition
Customer Complaint Policy
Okanogan County Transportation & Nutrition (OCTN) is committed to providing reliable, safe, and satisfying transportation options for the community. Customers of OCTN are a fundamental aspect of our business and as such, their feedback is crucial to the growth and development of the agency.
The OCTN Customer Complaint Policy has been established to ensure that riders of the system have an easy and accessible way to provide feedback to the agency. OCTN is open to hearing any customer feedback including complaints, comments, suggestions, or concerns.
Contacting OCTN: Riders can contact OCTN in the following ways:
1. US Mail: Riders can mail their feedback to the OCTN office at P.O. Box 471, Okanogan, WA 98840. A comment card is available to print at the bottom of the page.
2. Feedback Line: Riders can contact OCTN toll free at 800-635-4391. This line is available 24 hour a day, seven days a week
3. E-mail: Riders can contact OCTN by e-mail at transportation@octn.org
4. Fax: Riders can send written feedback by fax to 509-826-4040.
5. Language Line: For riders who speak a language other than English, OCTN will arrange for a translator through DSHS if necessary.
6. Website: Riders can offer feedback on the OCTN Web Site.
Feedback Review Process: All feedback from customers is valued and will be reviewed by the Director of Operations. After review, the Director of Operations will distribute the customer communication to the appropriate agency representative(s).
1. Customer concerns, complaints, or employee recommendations will be forwarded to the appropriate supervisor.
2. Recommendations for service or system modification will be sent to the Executive Director.
3. Questions regarding discrimination or bias will be sent to the agency Executive Director.
Feedback Acknowledgement: Anyone who submits a comment, complaint, or service suggestion to OCTN shall receive a response provided they give legible contact information.
- Feedback sent via mail or fax will receive with a response within seven business days.
- E-mail, phone, or web originated messages will be returned five business days.
Customer Appeals Process: Any person who is dissatisfied with the response they receive from OCTN is welcome to appeal the decision. A review team consisting of the Executive Director, the Director of Operations, and the Board of Directors and one other staff member will review customer appeals.
Information about Policy: Information about the Customer Complaint Policy, including how to submit a complaint, will be made available to riders:
- On comment cards available on all transportation vehicles
- At the main office
- On the website
Reporting: The Executive Director shall compile a summary of rider responses for the board, staff, and employees for use in reviewing and evaluating service.
Tracking: OCTN shall maintain a tracking system for all feedback from customers that provides a unique identification of each customer communication and allows ready access to information on the status of the comment at any time.
Protection from Retribution: Customers of OCTN should be able to submit feedback without fear of retribution from the agency. If a rider feels like they are being treated unfairly in response to the feedback that they provided, they should contact the OCTN Director of Operations. OCTN will appropriately discipline any employee that retaliates against a customer.
Complaint form must be printed and mailed to: OCTN PO Box 471 Okanogan, WA 98840