OCTN provides rides to ALL citizens of Okanogan County
Transportation Services
Local door-to-door services
Door-to-Door service is provided in the following areas:
Brewster/Pateros/Bridgeport area,
Omak/Okanogan area,
Twisp/Winthrop area
Intercity Services
Monday thru Friday Service between Omak/Nespelem/Coulee Dam – 2 Round trips per day on Monday and Friday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday have an added mid-Day trip to allow for Round trips. There is no charge for this service.
Call 1-800-635-4391 for more information.
Cancelling Your Ride
If you need to cancel your ride you must call the appropriate number above at least 30 minutes before your scheduled pick-up time if you live within city limits. If you live outside the city limits, you must call 1 hour before your scheduled pick-up. If you do not cancel in advance, it will be considered a No-Show. Ask your driver for No-Show policy.
Arranging for a Ride
For door-to-door service and intercity service, please call at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a ride.
To schedule a door-to-door ride in your area call 509-826-4391 toll free 800-635-4391
Leave your full name, address, and phone number.
Be Ready For Your Ride
For door-to-door service, be ready for your ride 15 minutes prior to your pick-up time. The driver will honk the horn when he has arrived. If you need assistance to the bus or use a wheelchair, please mention this at the time you schedule your ride.
For intercity service you must be at the appointed pick-up point at the scheduled time. The driver will not wait for you.
Drivers do not make change so make sure you have the exact amount needed to pay for your ride.
Fares and Donations
Fares / Donations on door-to-door service are determined by your rider category; Senior, General Public
Rider Categories for door-to-door service:
Seniors – 60 Years of age or older
$2.00 suggested donation for all day
General Public - 59 Years of Age and younger
$2.00 fee per boarding within city limits
$4.00 fee per boarding outside city limits
Children age 5 and under are 1/2 General Public fare and must be accompanied by an adult
Fares on intercity service are determined by your pick-up location and destination.
Comment Process
Your Comments regarding the quality of service are welcome and encouraged.
Comments may be submitted by form (available in all buses), by phone at 1-800-635-4391 or by email transportation@octn.org
General Information
Wheelchairs and Walkers:
When scheduling an appointment, please mention that you will be using a walker or wheelchair.
All wheelchairs must have foot rests, tight handgrips and brakes that work. You must have a legal wheelchair ramp at your pick-up location, a clear transport area from the door to the area where the bus is able to park. Walkways must be clear of snow or debris, and there must be adequate space for the bus to get as close as possible.
Special Assistance:
If you require special assistance, please let the driver know. Bus drivers are allowed to help senior citizens and disabled passengers with groceries but cannot lift over 20 pounds at one time. The bus driver is not allowed to handle money, pickup prescriptions or mail for any passengers.
If you require an attendant to assist you, you must provide your own. No fare is charged for an attendant.
Service Animals:
Service animals are allowed on the bus if the passenger needs the assistance.
Pets may be transported on the bus but must be confined in a pet carrier provided by the passenger.
Driveways must be clear of overhanging branches that might cause damage to the bus and must have room for the bus to turn around. Buses will not attempt to drive through deep snow or muddy driveways that may cause the bus to become stuck.