For current menu click here:
Site & Phone | Meal Site Address | Serving Hours | Serving Days |
Davenport Senior Center 509-725-7055 |
728 Morgan Street Davenport, WA 99122 | Meals served at Noon | Tues, Wed, Thurs |
Odessa Meal Site 509-982-2654 |
104 W. 1st Street Old Town Hall Odessa, WA 99159 | Meals served at Noon | Mon, Wed, Thurs |
Wilbur Senior Center 509-647-5503 |
101 NE Main Street Wilbur, WA 98831 | Meals served at Noon | Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri |
Bus service is available locally to some meal sites. If you need to schedule a ride to attend the meal, call the number listed for the senior center and ask if transportation is available.
The suggested donation for senior meals is $5.00
Those under the age of 60 pay the full cost of the meal $12.00